Wine Smoothies #FreshTastyValentines

by Erin

Who needs spinach when you can hide wine in your smoothies!? These adult smoothies are great for all occasions from Valentine’s Day to Brunch.

Wine Smoothies 1

Oh yes, you read that title correctly. For my second recipe of #FreshTastyVaslentines, instead of hiding greens in your smoothie I hid WINE! Then again it isn’t exactly hidden as this smoothie has only 3 ingredients: wine, apples, and strawberries. Just slice up the fruit, freeze it, and then blend it up with your favorite white wine.

FreshTastyValentines Logo

Some may call it a blended sangria but in my house, there’s liquor involved in sangria. Which wouldn’t have been a bad idea come to think of it. But whatever you want to call it, I think everyone can agree on it’s deliciousness. All that’s left to decide is what to munch on while you sip on it. Since I made these while hanging out with one of my best friends, I decided to resort back to our typical snack that we used to devour while watching Sex & The City in college after going to the gym: cheese, crackers, and fruit.

Wine Smoothies 2

Of course I couldn’t just stop there so I took the opportunity to bust out some new swag I got from Uncommon Goods. You really should check out their expansive selection of unique gift ideas for Valentine’s Day or any occasion. Not only do they have sweet stuff, they are what is called a B Corporation which means they are using their business to solve social and environmental problems. For example, half of what they sell is made by hand, one-third incorporates recycled materials, and with every purchase they donate $1 to not-for-profit organizations. With that in mind, how can you say no to things like these recycled wine glasses (that I so very much wish I had to serve these smoothies in)?

Recycled wine glasses

But back to what I got from UncommonGoods. You may have spotted the steel pizza cutter that I used to slice up the pizza I posted on Monday. It is actually a smaller scaled version which was perfect for single serving pizzas. Honestly, a full-sized steel version may have been too heavy to maneuver. I may go to the gym regularly, but I don’t need to be lifting heavy, sharp objects. Either way, I particularly enjoyed the curved handles and it’s rustic appearance.

UncommonGoods 2

Also, in the background of the wine smoothie photos you will see the coolest cheese & cracker serving board I have ever laid my eyes upon. It’s an ampersand! Cheese & crackers! Bahaha I just couldn’t not get it, because what goes better with wine than cheese and crackers? Heck there was even room from some extra fruit that didn’t already get blended up into the smoothies. Wine? Check. Cheese? Check. Crackers? Check. Fruit? Check!

UncommonGoods 3

Basically, whether you have a Valentine or not, there are plenty of reasons to whip up a glass (or two) or these wine smoothies. Invite over your friends and serve your favorite snacks while watching some MST3K-worthy movies. Or heck watch MST3K. Or go on a picnic (if you are lucky and live somewhere warm) and bring along some wine and cheese. Host brunch? Basically, get some wine and find someone to enjoy it with.

P.S. Remember to check out everyone else’s recipes today for #FreshTastyValentines at the end of this post. And check out all of our generous sponsors and enter to win some swag of your own!

Wine Smoothies 3

Find Uncommon Goods on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest, Woodbridge Wines on FacebookTwitter / Pinterest, and Envy Apples on FacebookTwitter / Instagram / Pinterest.

One year ago: Red Velvet Layer Cheesecake Bars

Two years ago: Smoked Sea Salt Caramel Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

Four years ago: Nutella Recipe Roundup

Five years ago: Cocoa Brownies with Browned Butter and Walnuts


Serves 2


12 oz. white wine (I used Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi Sauvignon Blanc), chilled

1 chopped apple, about 1-1/2 cups (I used an Envy apple)

1-1/2 cups sliced strawberries


  1. Place cut fruit in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with a silicone baking mat (or wax paper). Place in freezer until frozen, at least 1 hour.
  2. Once frozen, place fruit into a blender and add wine. Blend until smooth and serve immediately.

Source: The Spiffy Cookie original

Disclosure: I was provided with complimentary product from Woodbridge Wines, Envy Apples, Kitchen IQ, and Uncommon Goods but was not otherwise compensated for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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pam February 9, 2016 - 6:57 am

This sounds delicious! I would love it if you would link it up to Tipsy Tuesday at Grey is the New Black – a weekly cocktail link up!

spiffycookie February 9, 2016 - 7:55 am

Thanks Pam I will check it out!

Debra Eliotseats February 5, 2016 - 6:53 pm

Wow, I think this is the first cocktail for #FreshTastyValentines!

Caroline | carolinescooking February 4, 2016 - 11:48 am

What a great idea, and love the fresh fruit in there as well. That cheeseboard is pretty fancy too!

Sarah | Curious Cuisiniere February 4, 2016 - 10:44 am

Now this is a fantastic idea! Can’t wait to try it!

Camilla @ Culinary Adventures February 3, 2016 - 12:37 pm

Nice!! I made a sangria…with tequila just last night. ;) Cheers.

Wendy, A Day in the Life on the Farm February 3, 2016 - 12:03 pm

Now that is my kind of smoothie!!!!

Rebekah @ Making Miracles February 3, 2016 - 10:35 am YES PLEASE!

Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating February 3, 2016 - 10:09 am

I have tried a wine smoothie at a craft festival before, but they used a wine smoothie powder mix. Nice to see a wine smoothie using wholesome, fresh ingredients! Yum!


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