My love for root beer runs deep. As proof, behold my great root beer collection! On this subsection of my blog, I keep a log of every root beer I have tried. It’s a work in progress (I’ve been collecting since the mid 90s and have a lot to retry) and so far I have 254 to date.
This experiment of posting photos and my critiques was prompted after snagging 43 new bottles all at once in Seattle, hence the lack of reviews/ratings for many that I tried prior, but more are being added as new ones come into my possession so check back again soon!
Looking for recipes that use root beer? Check out my growing list HERE.

1 – Not finishing and pouring down the drain (bad)
2 – Okay but would not buy again (okay)
3 – Pretty good, classic root beer, but nothing exciting (standard/good)
4 – Delicious and worthy (great)
5 – Get your hands off my root beer! (excellent)
Listed in alphabetical order:
# / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
3 Dachshunds Root Beer
- Slightly dry, zesty, vanilla flavor, like a smoother Barq’s (similar flavor profile).
- Rating: 4
50 West Brewing Company Root Beer (Cincinatti, OH – draft)
- Good amount of carbonation, good fizz and foam, creamy with medium flavor profile, good standby.
- Rating: 3
A&W Root Beer
A&W Root Beer Float
Abita Root Beer
AJ Stephans Root Beer
- Mild root beer flavor, vanilla, good foam.
- Rating: 3
AJ Stephans Butterscotch Root Beer
- Nice butterscotch flavor, creamy and smooth, sweeter than normal root beer but not too sweet, not too fizzy.
- Rating: 4
AJ Stephans Sarsparilla
- Dry, low bubbles, no foam, true sarsparilla flavor.
- Rating: 3
Always Ask for Avery’s Root Beer
Americana Root Beer
Anchor Ginger Root Beer
- More prominent root flavor, tangy, creamy.
- Rating: 4
Appalachian Brewing Co.
Archer Farms Sarsaparilla
Ashland-Wooster Drive In (Ashland, OH – draft)
- Make their own, creamy and very vanilla, low carbonation, not a complex flavor, baseline solid root beer.
- Rating: 3
Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden Root Beer (Austin, TX – draft)
- Creamy but with a bite, zesty fizz, rich flavor, bit of a nasal anise.
- Rating: 4
Baron’s Sassparilla
- Resembles creamy cola, no foam.
- Rating: 4
Barq’s Root Beer
Barrel Brothers Root Beer
Baumeister Root Beer
- Bite, seltzer water undertone.
- Rating: 3
Bawl’s Root Beer
Bedford’s Root Beer
- Creamy and a bit sweeter due to strong caramel flavor but not too much. Vanilla and a little anise. Fizz on the front but not too fizzy and smooth on the end.
- Rating: 4
Belkin Family Lookout Farm Root Beer
Benny’s Pizza Root Beer (Marysville, OH – draft)
- Creamy, hint of anise, low carbonation
- Rating: 4
Berghoff Root Beer
Bickford’s Sarsparilla
- Strong anise flavor, taste like cough syrup. Very fizzy.
- Rating: 1
Big Ben’s Root Beer
- Full flavored, tastes like a classic root beer. Fizzy but not foamy.
- Rating: 4
Big Top Soda Fountain Root Beer (Austin, TX – draft)
- Creamy vanilla, medium root beer flavor
- Rating: 3
B-K Root Beer Stand (Troy, OH – draft)
- Creamy, kind of reminds me of A&W so a baseline root beer.
- Rating: 3
Blue Ghost Brewery Root Beer (Asheville, NC – draft)
- Sweet, but not overly so, strong vanilla flavor, slightly caramel, bold, rich flavor, slightly licorice undertone.
- Rating: 5
Blue Sky Root Beer, zero sugar (can)
- Smells like cola, tastes like tonic, pretty much no root beer flavor, and dry awful aftertaste.
- Rating: 1
Blumer’s Root Beer
- Sweet creamy vanilla, flavor mostly on the front weaker on end foamy rather than fizzy, not a strong cane sugar flavor but a slight aftertaste.
- Rating: 4
Boots Beverages Sarsparilla
- Cough syrup undertone, vanilla, weak finish.
- Rating: 2
Boston Tower Root Beer
Boylan Bottleworks
Braum’s Root Beer (can)
- Weak flavor, nothing stands out, watery aftertaste, medium fizz.
- Rating: 2
Brownie Caramel Cream Root Beer
- Strong caramel flavor to start, reminiscent of Werther’s. Sweet, trails at the end.
- Rating: 4
Buckeye Lake Brewery Root Beer (Buckeye Lake, OH – draft)
- Creamy and bold vanilla flavor with a little bite.
- Rating: 4
Bull Dog
Bull’s Head Root Beer
- Tastes medicinal. Can’t figure out what it is but something smells/tastes like manure fertilizer. That back of your throat tang. Can’t get past the flavor, bleh no.
- Rating: 1
Butchertown Soda Root Beer
- Weak flavor, dry, not very sweet. Cane sugar gives a chemical taste.
- Rating: 2
Caldera Root Beer, low sugar
- Fake sugar flavor, bitter, dry finish.
- Rating: 2
Capone Root Beer
- strong root beer flavor, tangy start, creamy finish.
- Rating: 4
Capt’n Eli’s Root Beer
Cardullo’s Root Beer
Caruso’s Legacy Robusto Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, a hint of sharpness mostly from the carbonation, but flat on the end, and kind of leaves behind the flavor you get when you just finished a glass of milk. I’m not crazy, others confirmed.
- Rating: 3
Cheers Boston (w/o cap)
Cherry Republic Cherry Root Bear “Boom Chugga Lugga“
- Definitely cherry, like cherry cream soda mixed with root beer. Not much carbonation but a little zesty on the tongue.
- Rating: 3
Chili St Road Trip Root Beer, with caramel
- Definitely caramel, fizzy, smooth, little bite.
- Rating: 4
Chowning’s Tavern
Cicero Beverage Co. Salted Caramel Root Beer
Columbia Soda Works Sarsaparilla
- Creamy, bit of licorice flavor.
- Rating: 4
Coney Island Hard Root Beer
- Dislike the licorice flavor.
- Rating: 2
Cool Mountain Root Beer
Cosmic Dave’s Root Beer Soda
- Little bite/zest but creamy and vanilla at the same time.
- Rating: 4
Cott (w/o cap)
Crater Lake Root Beer
- Bite, hint of vanilla, creamy.
- Rating: 4
Crim City Soda Renegade Root Beer
- Mild, generic flavor. Nothing exciting but not bad.
- Rating: 2
Dad-Gum-It! Butterscotch Root Beer
- Creamy, not too fizzy, but weird after taste.
- Rating: 3 (because of the after taste, without it would be a 4)
Daily Growler’s Too John’s Root Beer (on tap – Columbus, OH)
- They say it’s like Barq’s but without the chemicals which is a fair assessment. Low carbonation, vanilla, medium flavor, anise nasal aroma.
- Rating: 3 (but would have been a 4 if it weren’t so flat)
Dang! Butterscotch Root Beer
- Butterscotch, smooth, creamy.
- Rating: 4
Dang! Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, not too fizzy, good mouth feel.
- Rating: 4
Das Nub’s Belch Krieg Root Beer
- Creamy and smooth, not too fizzy, medium flavor, good not great.
- Rating: 3
Dead World Zombie Soda Root Beer
- Smooth, medium flavor. Tastes like a basic root beer.
- Rating: 3
Dead World Zombie Soda Vanilla Root Beer
- Creamy but very strong syrupy flavor that is a bit much.
- Rating: 2
Death Valley Root Beer
Deerfield Trading Company
Dog n Suds Root Beer
- Vanilla forward, creamy, a little fizzy, smooth finish.
- Rating: 4
Dominion Root Beer
Dorothoy’s Isle of Pines
Dougie Dog Butterscotch Root Beer
- Caramel, crisp yet creamy due to caramel.
- Rating: 5
Dr. Brown’s Root Beer
- Not a strong flavored root beer.
- Rating: 3
Druthers Black Cow Vanilla Crème Root Beer
Dublin Texas Root Beer
- Very creamy, flavorful, good mouth feel, fizzy bite.
- Rating: 5
Earp’s Original Sarsparilla
Elevator Brewery Root Beer (Columbus, OH – draft)
- X
- Rating: 5
Ellicotville Brewing Co. Root Beer
- Definitely taste the cane sugar, zesty bubbles, anise undertone and smells too, mild vanilla,
- Rating: 3
Empire Root Beer
- Tangy with a slight after taste from the cane sugar.
- Rating: 4
Eric’s Famous Energy Root Beer
- Butterscotch, creamy soda flavor, bits floating around (ginseng).
- Rating: 3
Fent’s Old Fashioned Root Beer
- Classic creamy vanilla flavor.
- Rating: 4
Fest Pecan Root Beer
- Definitely pecan flavors paired with vanilla, sharp fizz.
- Rating: 3
Filbert’s Root Beer
- Caramel-vanilla flavor.
- Rating: 4
Fireman’s Brew Root Beer
- Bite like Barq’s with a creamy but dry flavor at the end.
- Rating: 3
Fiz Root Beer
Fiz ROC City Root Beer
- Is indeed fizzy, medium flavor, medium zesty, you can definitely taste the cane sugar but not too bad.
- Rating: 3
Fizzy Izzy Root Beer
Flathead Lake Monster
Flat Top Pizza Sarsparilla
- Vanilla up front with a licorice finish. Creamy flavor coats the tongue.
- Rating: 4
Food Lion Root Beer
- Mild. No gross aftertaste from sugarcane. Can’t really taste the wintergreen or clove so it has a classic flavor.
- Rating: 3
Foxon Park Root Beer
- Full bodied flavor, rich, creamy, smooth.
- Rating: 5
Freddie’s Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, slightly malt flavor, smooth and not too fizzy
- Rating: 4
Frost Creek Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla and caramel, not too fizzy, great flavor and body.
- Rating: 4
- Vanilla and caramel, medium flavor only on the front.
- Rating: 3
Frostie Vanilla
- Much sweet than regular, strong vanilla flavor, caramel, fizzy, like a root beer float in a bottle, or cream soda vibes.
- Rating: 3
Frostop Root Beer
- Anise, creamy, very vanilla, foamy, little sugarcane aftertaste, medium body.
- Rating: 4
Frostop Root Beer (Huntington, WV – draft)
- Flat, caramel, vanilla, creamy, medium flavor. Weird that it’s better bottled.
- Rating: 3
Frostop Imperial Root Beer
- Strong root beer flavor, nutty (like nutmeg), mild vanilla but still creamy, flavor is a little flat in the middle.
- Rating: 3
Gale’s Root Beer
Gene Autry Root Beer
- A little bite, very foamy, but less of a root beer flavor.
- Rating: 3
Gene Simmons Money Bag Root Beer
- Dry due to cane sugar but not too overpowering, one of the better ones with cane sugar, creamy vanilla with a slight bite, decent foam.
- Rating: 4
Gianni’s Root Beer
Giant Eagle Market District Premium Craft Soda, root beer flavored soda
- Medium flavor, fizzy, vanilla, no cane sugar after taste.
- Rating: 3
Ginseng Up American Classics Root Beer
- Mild ginseng and vanilla flavor, fizzy.
- Rating: 3
Gold Mine Root Beer
- Creamy, medium flavor, with a water after taste.
- Rating: 3
Gold Mine Sarsparilla
- Creamy with a slight bite.
- Rating: 4
Goose Island
Grandpa’s Cheesebarn Old-Fashioned Root Beer
- Good flavor, creamy, mild, and smooth. Tastes like a classic root beer.
- Rating: 3
Grandpa Joe’s Sarsaparilla
- Zesty, taste like sarsaparilla, vanilla finish.
- Rating: 4
Grand Teton Brewing Co. Root Beer
- Classic flavor.
- Rating: 4
Gray’s Brewing Company Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, fizzy, little bite.
- Rating; 4
Gus Dry Root Beer
- Root beer flavored sparkling water, bite, slight after taste, not very sweet (although stated on bottle).
- Rating: 1
Hansen’s Natural Root Beer (can)
- Vanilla, medium flavor, kind of creamy but a weird tangy aftertaste, ends dry.
- Rating: 2
Health Valley
HEB Root Beer (plastic bottle)
- Very creamy, strong vanilla flavor, rich, fizzy, good balance of creamy and fizzy.
- Rating: 4
Henry Weinhard’s Root Beer
- Creamy, smooth, full flavor with a little bite and foamy.
- Rating: Perfect 5
Hippo Size Jumbo Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, great flavor, but a little less carbonated that I would prefer.
- Rating: 4
Hosmer Root Beer
- Rich, creamy, smooth, and a heavy root beer flavor.
- Rating: 5
Hosmer Mountain Sarsparilla Root Beer
- Rich flavor with molasses from the brown sugar, caramel, slightly tangy aftertate.
- Rating: 5
Hummingbird Hill Root Beer
- Flat, smells better than taste, creamy with a little bite.
- Rating: 2
Hummingbird Hill Sarsaparilla
- Flat, tangy, lacking overall (Peabody thought it had a barleywine flavor).
- Rating: 2
IBC Root Beer
- Slightly creamy, vanilla-caramel, mild flavor, no bite.
- Rating: 3
Il Forno Root Beer
Iron Heart Root beer (mini can)
- Aromatic, flavorful, strong anise, vanilla, little bite/zest, balanced start to finish.
- Rating: 4
Iron Hill Brewery Root Beer
- Very creamy, smooth, vanilla flavor, rich but not too strong. Not a bitey carbonation
- Rating: 4
Iron Horse Root Beer
- Caution! Open over sink-super carbonated, bite, slight beer/yeast flavor.
- Rating: 2
Ithaca Root Beer
- Medium creaminess with a zesty/anise bite. Flavor doesn’t hang on at the end. Close to my ideal if it stuck around longer.
- Rating: 4
J&E Root Beer Stand (Middletown, OH – draft)
- Creamy, kind of reminds me of A&W, so a solid baseline root beer.
- Rating: 3
Jack Black’s Dead Red Root Beer
- Mild licorice flavor, like a Barq’s with bite but a little more flavor.
- Rating: 4
Jackson Hole Buckin’ Root Beer
Jackson Hole Snake River Sarsaparilla
- Creamy vanilla but mild flavor.
- Rating: 3
Jacksonville General Store Root Beer
Jason’s Deli Root Beer
- Mild, sweet, creamy flavor with sharp bubbles.
- Rating: 2
Jimi’s Hey Joy Root Beer
- Mild anise flavor, sharp bubbles, tastes like root beer candy or a vanilla version of Barq’s.
- Rating: 3
Jobs Joe’s Root Beer Float
- Vanilla, not very complex flavored.
- Rating: 3
Joe Wold’s Root Beer
Johnnie Ryan Root Beer
Jolly’s Drive-In (Butler County, OH – draft)
- Good carbonation, medium flavor profile
- Rating: 3
Jones Soda Company Root Beer
Judge Wapner Root Beer
- Slightly flat, creamy, flavor on front but not end.
- Rating: 3
Jungle Jim’s Root Beer
- Not very fizzy, a little bite/crisp on the front end, creamy vanilla.
- Rating: 4
Junior Johnson
Killebrew Root Beer
- Smooth, milder root beer flavor.
- Rating: 3
Kiss Army Root Beer
- Strong vanilla flavor, creamy, not very fizzy.
- Rating: 3
Kroger Private Selection Creamy Ginger Root Beer
- Taste more like ginger ale with a root beer aftertaste – but not a good one. Should be called root beer ginger ale.
- Rating: 1
Kutztown Root Beer
- Mild.
- Rating: 2
Kutztown Sarsparilla
- More fizz than flavor, flat with no finish.
- Rating: 2
Labrador Butterscotch Root Beer
- Creamy caramel with a mild butterscotch flavor.
- Rating: 3
Lost Trail Root Beer
Lost Trail Sarsaparilla
Maine Root Beer
Maine Sarsaparilla
Manhattan Special Sarsaparilla
Marblehead Soda Co. Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, not a bad cane sugar flavor, low carbonation, but still a little bite, good root beer flavor, but finishes weak. Would be a 4 otherwise a solid choice.
- Rating: 3
Margo’s Dark Root Beer
Mason’s Root Beer
Mercury Brewing Company
Meyers Ave Red Root Beer
- Bitey, dry, not a typical root beer flavor. Weird after taste, reminds me of a cane sugar after taste.
- Rating; 2
Minnesota North Draft Root Beer
- Mild flavor with vanilla and a slight bite.
- Rating: 3
Minnesota Voyageur Butterscotch Root Beer
- Smells good but tastes burnt and funky.
- Rating; 1
Mission Hard Root Beer
- Tastes like burned caramel or malt.
- Rating; 1
Mom’s Root Beer
- Zestier, bite.
- Rating: 3
Napa Valley Soda Company
Natural Brew
Nello’s Café Root Beer
New Creation Soda Works Root 42 Old Time Root Beer (can)
- Slight anise flavor, fizzy on the tongue but not very carbonated, a little flat. Rich depth of flavor, blend of caramel and vanilla.
- Rating: 4
New York Seltzer Root Beer
- Mild but nice, kind of impressed it’s only seltzer.
- Rating: 3 (for a root beer, 4 as a seltzer)
Norka Root Beer
- Strong caramel flavor, rich, slight anise but just enough to be a good flavor without being gross, creamy end flavor.
- Rating: 4
North Star Craft Soda Root Beer
- Very vanilla, very syrupy sweet like candy, flat no fizz, tastes more like cream soda or a diluted melted root beef float.
- Rating: 3
Not Your Father’s Root Beer Ale
- Creamy vanilla, smooth with spice.
- Rating: 4
O-So Butterscotch Root Beer
- Oh so very butterscotchy! Like butterscotch candy melted into root beer. Mild root beer in contrast, cream soda flavor more than root beer, more fizzy than foamy.
- Rating: 3
Oak Creek Blonde Barrel Aged Root Beer
- Slightly sweet and mild, flavor does not linger. Kind of leaning towards a cream soda.
- Rating: 3
Ohio History Connection Root Beer
- Creamy, smooth, vanilla, good foam, medium flavor. Like a better version of Mug.
- Rating: 3
Ohio Pop Bigfoot Root Beer
- Bites the tongue, but a bit flat for flavor. Not a traditional root beer taste. Dlavor does get more enjoyable as it warms a little.
- Rating: 3
OKC Soda Co Root Beer
- Creamy with a little bite, good bodied flavor, kind of vacant at the end/flavor does not linger on the tongue.
- Rating: 3, but 4 if the flavor had not vanished.
Old Town Root Beer Company Sarsaparilla
Old Town Root Beer Company Root Beer
Olde Brooklyn
Olde Heritage Root Beer
- Bland and no foam.
- Rating: 2
Olde Rhode Island Molasses Root Beer
- Mild but creamy vanilla-molasses flavor with good foam.
- Rating: 3
Ole Red Eye Root Beer
- Smooth vanilla flavor.
- Rating: 4
Olipop Root Beer, sparkling tonic water (can)
- Too much of a fake sugar flavor combined with mostly anise/birch, weak finish
- Rating: 1
Oogave Root Beer
Otto’s Root Beer
- Creamy, flavorful, strong vanilla flavor but not too much, just right.
- Rating: 5
Ozark Mountain Root Beer
- Full flavor, creamy with a little bite.
- Rating: 4
Ozell Root Beer Float
- Tastes like a vanilla coke.
- Rating: 2
Parlor Butterscotch Root Beer
- Definitely creamy butterscotch and it linger, aromatic, sweet with a little bite.
- Rating: 4
Parson’s Brewing Root Beer (Columbus, OH – draft)
- Tangy, lighter, dry, not creamy.
- Rating: 2
Pinehurst Brewing Co Root Beer
- Tastes like Barq’s. Kind of tangy, more carbonated than foamy, not a robust flavor.
- Rating: 3
Pirate’s Keg (w/o cap)
Point Premium Root Beer
- Creamy with a little bite, a little malt.
- Rating: 5
Polar Classics Root Beer
- Full flavored, caramel, very creamy, and not too fizzy.
- Rating: 4
Polar Classics Diet Root Beer
Poppi Prebiotic Root Beer (can)
- Everything about it tastes fake: fake sugar, fake vanilla, fake root beer.
- Rating: 1
Porky’s Drive In (Mansfield, OH – draft)
- Vanilla, creamy with some zest, medium flavor, would prefer a bit strong root beer flavor.
- Rating: Almost a 4
Quaker Steak & Lube (w/o cap)
Rambling Butterscotch Root Beer
- Definitely butterscotch and vanilla but mild otherwise.
- Rating: 3
Rat Bastard Root Beer
- Sharp but creamy on the end. Very fizzy but no foam. Good classic root beer flavor but nothing special.
- Rating: 3
Reading Draught Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla with a little bite.
- Rating: 4 (Bob said “Like Homer Simpson at a football game it gets a high 4)
Reading Draft Sarsparilla
- Vanilla, medium bodied.
- Rating: 3
Red Arrow Root Beer
Red Ribbon Root Beer
- Tasted good at first but the more I drank it was just okay. Flavor only on the front, dies on the end.
- Rating: 3
River City Root Beer
- Bite, full bodied flavor, rich, creamy, smooth.
- Rating: 5
Rivertown Brewery Root Beer (Middletown, OH – can)
- Creamy, caramel, slight anise flavor, medium body of flavor, medium carbonation.
- Rating: 4
Robust Root Beer
- Mild flavor but good
- Rating: 4
Rock It
Rocket Fizz Root Beer Float
Rocky Mountain Root Beer
- Flat, hint of vanilla and anise, smooth, dry cane sugar after taste.
- Ratings: 3
Rohrbach’s Root Beer (Rochester, NY – draft)
- A little anise, caramel flavor, low carbonation but not flat, tiny bite, nice balanced flavor, wish it was a little richer.
- Rating: 4
Root Naturals Apothecary Craft Soda Root Beer
- Medium baseline root beer flavor with a tiny bit of extra anise, fizzy but not foamy.
- Rating: 3
Route 66
Saint Arnold Root Beer
- Good mouth feel, creamy, foamy more than fizzy but still a little zesty bite, dry finish.
- Rating: 4
Sandwich Works
Saranac Root Beer
Sea Dog Root Beer
Shasta Root Beer (can)
- Vanilla but with a slight after taste, medium fizz, not sharp, smooth/
- Rating: 3
Shipwreck Soda “The Nordmeer” Root Beer
Sioux City Root Beer
- Little bite, good carbonation, medium flavor but doesn’t carry to the end, had cane sugar but not a bad aftertaste, vanilla flavor is subtle under the bubbles when cold but more pronounced when slightly warmer.
- Rating: 4
Sioux City Sarsaparilla
Sky Valley Root Beer
- Mild, crisp, less sweet, slight maple flavor. Taste like root beer that had ice in it but melted.
- Rating: 2
Sparky’s Root Beer
Sprecher Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, honey. Almost my perfect root beer if it had more bite.
- Rating: 4
Sprecher Caffeinated
- Metallic aftertaste from caffeine, not as vanilla/creamy as the original (sure enough no vanilla on ingredient list), little more anise flavor, still has honey flavor.
- Rating: 3
Sprecher Fire Brewed Hard Root Beer
- Root beer flavor on the front, beer on the end. The transition is strange, sweet to yeasty.
- Rating: 2
Sprecher Maple Root Beer
- Mild maple flavor, creamy, not too fizzy, slight cane sugar after taste, but overall really good.
- Rating: 4
Sprecher Vanilla Root Beer
- Definitely a syrupy sweet vanilla flavor, almost like a strong cream soda was mixed with root beer. Odd flavor on the end, like a candy sweet flavor, maybe the yucca extract? Kind of ruins it for me.
- Rating: 2
Spring Grove Root Beer
Squamscot Root Beer
- Similar bite to Barq’s, no flavor on back end.
- Rating: 3
Steaz Green Tea Soda
Steelhead Root Beer
- Creamy and smooth, not too fizzy. Definitely taste vanilla and a hint of honey.
- Rating: 4
Stewart’s Root Beer
- Fizzy, medium classic flavor, baseline root beer like IBC and Mug,
- Rating: 3
Stone Cellar Root Beer
- Clear color, weak flavor, and a bit flat tasting.
- Rating: 2
Stubborn Classic Root Beer
- Creamy, full flavored, classic (as the name suggests), just the right amount of fizz.
- Rating: 4
Summit Root Beer
- Flat mild flavor with a little bite.
- Rating: 2
Summit (Aldi) Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, medium flavor.
- Rating: 4
Swamp Root Beer
- Tastes like a coke.
- Rating: 2 (as a root beer 3 as a coke)
Sweetie’s Soda Shop Root Beer
- Creamy caramel flavor, slight anise aftertaste, dry finish.
- Rating: 3
Sweetwater Root Beer
- Sweet and creamy vanilla. Good body. Above average root beer.
- Rating: 4
The Chubby Bear Root Bear
- Very creamy with a little tang from the sugar cane.
- Rating: 3
The Edge Olde No. 43 Root Beer
The Pop Shoppe Root Beer
The Root Beer Stand (Sharonville, OH – draft)
- A lot of vanilla flavor, not very carbonated, classic flavor.
- Rating: 3
The Root Beer Stande (Dayton, OH – draft)
- Medium carbonation but fizzy, vanilla flavor and a bit of birch tang/bite.
- Rating: 4
The Three Stooges Wise Guy Root Beer
- Creamy and smooth, thick flavored, but not too strong.
- Rating: 4
Thomas Kemper
Tommy Knocker Root Beer
- Strong root flavor with bite
- Rating: 4
Tommy’s Naked Soda
Tower Root Beer
- Slightly creamy, slightly tangy, hint of licorice
- Rating: 3
Town Club Root Beer
- Reminds me of Mug. Creamy malt flavor with a little tang, but the flavor dies on the end.
- Rating: 3
Tractor Soda Root Beer
- Mild but sweet, kind of dry. Made with birch so tastes more like birch beer. Refreshing due to wintergreen.
- Rating: 2
Trader Joes’ Vintage Root Beer
Tree Fort Root Beer
- Tastes more like vanilla coke than root beer.
- Rating: 1 (as a root beer, 3 as a vanilla coke)
Triple XXX Root Beer
- Creamy, sweet
- Rating: 4
Tyler the Kid Sarsaparilla
- Creamy, cinnamon finish
- Rating: 4
Uncle Scott’s Root Beer
Virgil’s Root Beer
- Creamy vanilla, like Barq’s but with less bites, slight anise.
- Rating: 3
Virgil’s Special Edition Bavarian Nutmeg Root Beer
- Tangy, more sassafras-y, nutty, nasal licorice flavor. Not as good as I remember it being when I first tried it years ago.
- Rating: 3
Waialua Soda Works
Warped Wing Root Beer
- Creamy, little zest from the bubbles but medium carbonation, medium flavor.
- Rating: 3, almost a 4.
Way 2 Cool
Weber Root Beer
- Creamy, vanilla caramel flavor. Not a lot of fizz/foam.
- Rating: Instant 5
Wellfleet Marketplace Root Beer
Whistler Root Beer
- Very sweet, very vanilla, syrupy medicine sweet or rather tastes like melted root beer candy, not very carbonated.
- Rating: 3 but Bob said 2 because it tastes like root beer flavored syrup.
Whistler Butterscotch Root Beer
- All I get is butterscotch, not very root beer flavored at all, may as well be a butterscotch pop, not very carbonated.
- Rating: 3
Whistler Lemon Root Beer
- Not terrible but not a fan of lemon and root beer together, lemon dominates.
- Rating: 2
Wisconsin Dells Root Beer
- Vanilla sweet like root beer candy, little aftertaste from the yucca, medium carbonation, nice flavor on the front but simmers out.
- Rating: 3
Yacht Club Root Beer
- Mild flavor, creamy vanilla, smooth and not very fizzy. Tastes kind of like Mug.
- Rating: 3
Yacht Club Sarsaparilla
Zevia Root Beer, zero calorie (can)
- Smells like root beer, definitely has taste and after taste of fake sugar, like a root beer seltzer.
- Rating: 2
Zia Root Beer
- Definitely licorice, dry after taste, good overall flavor, creamy vanilla.
- Rating: 4
Zuberfizz Root Beer