Blue Milk Smoothie

by Erin

Blue milk, aka Bantha milk, has been imported from the outer rim planet Tatooine so that you can be just like Luke Skywalker. Start your day like a jedi with a blue milk smoothie!

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Poo on you National Orange Juice Day (not that I dislike orange juice but I expect better from the day of my birth), it’s Star Wars Day and #MayTheForthBeWithYou even though I’m going to see Guardians of the Galaxy tonight which seems a bit contrary but whatever. It’s opening day they did it to themselves. And yes I will be wearing a Star Wars shirt to the Guardians movie. Nerdom unite!

Blue Milk Smoothie 2

I would like to point out that this is the first year in the 6 years I’ve been blogging that I finally managed to post something Star Wars themed. The first 4 years were smothered in peanut butter, which is a worthy substitute if I do say so myself. Last year I recall having good intentions but ended up getting side tracked by #BrunchWeek and maybe scone cakes instead (P.S. #BrunchWeek starts next week!). And honestly, this year nearly didn’t happen either as I frantically whipped together this blue milk smoothie this very morning. I’m really good at this thing they called blogging.

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This smoothie may look crazy, but it’s really not that different than my typical smoothie. Milk, coconut Greek yogurt, a whole banana instead of half (since no other fruits were added), honey, and a couple drops of blue food coloring. Evidently the blue milk served at Disney is more tropical flavored, but I hadn’t had it yet when I dreamed up this recipe. Heck, the blue milk sold in grocery stores is just vanilla flavored so who are we to say what George Lukas thinks it tastes like?

I thought about adding blueberries to my blue milk instead of using blue food coloring but didn’t want to risk it turning purple. Strange of me to worry about something being purple, as usually that is my preferred state, but there’s no purple milk in Star Wars. To top it off I added some whipped cream and blue Pop Rocks, because it’s my birthday and I do what I want.

Heck serve it with some Rebel Alliance Star Wars cookies while you are at it!

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One year ago: Boozy Margarita Smoothies

Two years ago: Berry Cacao Nib Scone Cakes

Three years ago: Peanut Butter Birthday Bites

Four years ago: Birthday Overload Pancakes

Five years ago: Funfettinutter Cupcakes for Two

Six years ago: Peanut Butter Cup S’mores Ice Cream


Serves 1


4 oz. milk

2 oz. coconut or vanilla Greek yogurt

1 ripe banana

1 tsp honey

Couple drops of blue food coloring

Whipped cream and pop rocks (optional)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Source: Adapted from my Build Your Own Smoothies.

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Baked Lightsaber Churros May 4, 2023 - 9:54 am

[…] Blue Milk Smoothie […]

Kayle (The Cooking Actress) May 9, 2017 - 7:03 pm

This is adorable and I adore you hehehe

spiffycookie May 10, 2017 - 7:44 am

:-D I need to visit you soon!

Susan May 6, 2017 - 3:24 pm

A belated happy birthday to you! (I’d forgotten that we share a birthday, and wasn’t near an Internet connection.) I would have loved to have this smoothie for my birthday breakfast. I’ll definitely try to make it soon, except minus the blue coloring…

spiffycookie May 6, 2017 - 5:11 pm

Happy belated birthday to you too Susan!

Dad May 4, 2017 - 5:59 pm

The Tatooine smoothie was great.

spiffycookie May 5, 2017 - 8:19 am

You made it? Yay!!


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